Welcome to Si-Mat

The European Source for Silicon Wafers and Specialty Services.

Worldwide connections fast and dependable service for
Science & Institutes & Industry for over 20 years.

Our Products and Specifications:

    • Silicon Wafers
 – 25,4 mm to 300mm
      Prime, Monitor, Test, CZ and FZ, All Diameters, Single- or Double­ Side Polished, As cut, Lapped, Etched, Ultra Flat < 1µm, Precision of thickness +/-5µm
    • SOI Wafer
      Silicon on Insulator, thick film, bonding, 76,2 mm through 200mm, Single- or Double­ Side polished CZ and FZ, buried thermal oxide, …
    • Special Services
      Wafer thinning, reduction of wafer size, Lasermarking, Edge grinding, Lapping, thin films, oxides, …
    • Thin Films & Oxides & Nitride
    • Pocket Wafers
    • Thin Optical Substrates
    • GaAs
    • Ge

Silicon Wafers – Quote request


SOI Wafers – Quote request




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